Riga, Lettland


When we arrived in Riga we were immediately enchanted by the winter atmosphere. The drive from Riga Airport to the city only takes about 20 minutes. Since we didn’t want to waste valuable time on buses, trains or looking for taxis, we booked a transfer to the hotel in Germany. We deliberately chose our hotel in the old town of Riga so that we could move around the city independently of time.

It doesn’t take long before you’ll be transported to another time by the old, uneven, narrow cobblestone streets and the magnificent buildings. When we arrived at our hotel, we immediately set off and explored the surrounding area. Just a few steps away from the majestic  St. Peter’s Church and its 72m high viewing platform. 

The baroque-style church is not only worth seeing inside, the platform, which can be reached with an elevator, and the associated view over Riga is also absolutely worth the 7 euro entrance fee. In winter, however, you should have sturdy shoes, as the floor is made of iron plates and can quickly become icy and then very slippery. But the view is worth it!

Kunst und Natur

When you arrive in Riga, you will immediately be enchanted by the winter atmosphere. The drive from Riga Airport to the city only takes about 20 minutes. The historic old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, shines in Christmas splendor. Let the narrow cobblestone streets and magnificent buildings transport you to another time. Admire Riga Castle and the majestic St. Peter’s Church and its observation deck before embarking on a journey through history in the numerous museums.


When we arrived in Riga we were immediately enchanted by the winter atmosphere. The drive from Riga Airport to the city only takes about 20 minutes. Since we didn’t know exactly how well it would work by bus, train or taxi, we booked a transfer to the hotel in Germany. We deliberately chose our hotel in the old town of Riga.

It doesn’t take long before you’ll be transported to another time by the old, narrow cobblestone streets and the magnificent buildings. Admire Riga Castle and the majestic St. Peter’s Church and its observation deck before embarking on a journey through history in the numerous museums.

The historic old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, shines in Christmas splendor. Let the narrow cobblestone streets and magnificent buildings transport you to another time. Admire Riga Castle and the majestic St. Peter’s Church and its observation deck before embarking on a journey through history in the numerous museums.

What We Offer



Renting offers flexibility and convenience, allowing you to find a space that suits your needs without the commitment of ownership.


Simplifying life by bundling essentials into one package, offering convenience and peace of mind.


The sought-after space where convenience meets necessity, providing a safe harbor for vehicles in the hustle and bustle of urban life.

New adventure !

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King’s Street 12
London Eye


Phone: +1 800 600 50 40
Email: agency@example.com

our hours

MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00
